SGPA to CGPA Calculator

SGPA to CGPA Calculator

Semester SGPA Credits

In this competitive academic life, every mark contributes to our overall success and can significantly impact our future careers. It’s essential to monitor each grade closely throughout your semesters. 

As a university student, I often found it challenging to convert SGPA to CGPA and frequently relied on friends for help. To address this, I developed a simple, efficient tool that makes calculating SGPA to CGPA quick and easy.

What is SGPA?

SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average. It is a measure of a student’s academic performance in a particular semester. The SGPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the student in a semester by the total number of credits attempted in that semester.

For example, if a student has earned 120 grade points and attempted 20 credits in a semester, their SGPA would be calculated as follows:

SGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credits Attempted SGPA = 120 / 20 = 6.0

The SGPA scale typically ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest possible score. A higher SGPA indicates a better academic performance, while a lower SGPA suggests room for improvement.

How to Calculate CGPA from SGPA

To calculate your CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) from SGPA, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Calculate the total grade points earned: Multiply the SGPA of each semester by the number of credits attempted in that semester. This will give you the total grade points earned.
  2. Calculate the total credits attempted: Add up the number of credits attempted in each semester.
  3. Divide the total grade points by the total credits attempted: This will give you your CGPA.

The formula for calculating CGPA is:

CGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credits Attempted

For example, let’s say you have the following SGPA and credits for each semester:

Semester 1: SGPA = 8.0, Credits = 20 Semester 2: SGPA = 7.5, Credits = 22 Semester 3: SGPA = 8.2, Credits = 18 Semester 4: SGPA = 7.8, Credits = 20

To calculate your CGPA:

  1. Total Grade Points:
    • Semester 1: 8.0 × 20 = 160
    • Semester 2: 7.5 × 22 = 165
    • Semester 3: 8.2 × 18 = 147.6
    • Semester 4: 7.8 × 20 = 156
  2. Total Grade Points = 160 + 165 + 147.6 + 156 = 628.6
  3. Total Credits Attempted:
    • 20 + 22 + 18 + 20 = 80
  4. CGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credits Attempted
    • CGPA = 628.6 / 80 = 7.86

So, your CGPA is 7.86.

How to Calculate SGPA?

Calculating your SGPA is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Determine the credits for each subject: Each subject or course you take in a semester has a certain number of credits assigned to it. The total number of credits attempted in a semester is the sum of the credits for all the subjects.
  2. Assign grade points: Based on the marks or grades you obtain in each subject, you will be assigned a corresponding grade point. The grade point scale typically ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest.
  3. Multiply the grade points with the credits: For each subject, multiply the grade points you obtained with the number of credits for that subject.
  4. Calculate the total grade points: Add up the grade points obtained for all the subjects.

Calculate the SGPA: Divide the total grade points by the total credits attempted.

The formula for calculating SGPA is:

SGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credits Attempted

For example, let’s say you have the following grades and credits in a semester:

Subject 1: Grade = A, Credits = 4 Subject 2: Grade = B, Credits = 3 Subject 3: Grade = C, Credits = 3 Subject 4: Grade = A, Credits = 4

To calculate the SGPA:

  1. Total Credits Attempted = 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 14
  2. Grade Points:
    • Subject 1: A (10 grade points) × 4 credits = 40
    • Subject 2: B (8 grade points) × 3 credits = 24
    • Subject 3: C (6 grade points) × 3 credits = 18
    • Subject 4: A (10 grade points) × 4 credits = 40
  3. Total Grade Points = 40 + 24 + 18 + 40 = 122
  4. SGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credits Attempted
    • SGPA = 122 / 14 = 8.71

So, your SGPA for this semester is 8.71.

How to Calculate SGPA Manually?

To calculate your SGPA manually, you can follow these steps:

  1. Gather your grades and credits for the semester: Make a list of all the subjects you took in the semester, along with the grades you obtained and the number of credits for each subject.
  2. Assign grade points: Convert your grades to the corresponding grade points based on the grading scale used by your institution. For example, if your institution uses the following grading scale:
    • A: 10 grade points
    • B: 8 grade points
    • C: 6 grade points
    • D: 4 grade points
    • F: 0 grade points
  3. Multiply the grade points with the credits: For each subject, multiply the grade points you obtained with the number of credits for that subject.
  4. Calculate the total grade points: Add up the grade points obtained for all the subjects.
  5. Calculate the total credits attempted: Add up the total number of credits attempted for all the subjects.
  6. Calculate the SGPA: Divide the total grade points by the total credits attempted.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you have the following grades and credits in a semester:

Subject 1: Grade = A, Credits = 4 Subject 2: Grade = B, Credits = 3 Subject 3: Grade = C, Credits = 3 Subject 4: Grade = A, Credits = 4

Step 1: Assign grade points Subject 1: A = 10 grade points Subject 2: B = 8 grade points Subject 3: C = 6 grade points Subject 4: A = 10 grade points

Step 2: Multiply the grade points with the credits Subject 1: 10 grade points × 4 credits = 40 grade points Subject 2: 8 grade points × 3 credits = 24 grade points Subject 3: 6 grade points × 3 credits = 18 grade points Subject 4: 10 grade points × 4 credits = 40 grade points

Step 3: Calculate the total grade points Total Grade Points = 40 + 24 + 18 + 40 = 122 grade points

Step 4: Calculate the total credits attempted Total Credits Attempted = 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 14 credits

Step 5: Calculate the SGPA SGPA = Total Grade Points / Total Credits Attempted SGPA = 122 / 14 = 8.71

Therefore, your SGPA for this semester is 8.71.

Importance of SGPA Academically

The SGPA holds great importance in the academic life of a student for several reasons:

  1. Academic Performance Evaluation: The SGPA is the primary measure used to assess a student’s academic performance in a particular semester. It provides a quantitative representation of the student’s academic achievements and helps track their progress.
  2. Eligibility for Promotion: Many educational institutions have specific SGPA requirements for students to be eligible for promotion to the next semester or academic year. A minimum SGPA is often required to maintain good academic standing.
  3. Scholarship and Funding Opportunities: A high SGPA can be a crucial factor in securing scholarships, grants, or other financial aid opportunities. Many scholarship providers use SGPA as a key criterion for selection.
  4. Admission to Higher Studies: For students seeking admission to higher education programs, such as master’s degrees or doctoral programs, a good SGPA is often a prerequisite. Institutions use the SGPA to evaluate the academic potential of applicants.
  5. Placement and Internships: Employers and internship providers often consider a student’s SGPA as an indicator of their academic abilities and potential. A higher SGPA can enhance a student’s chances of securing desirable placements or internships.
  6. Maintenance of Eligibility: In some cases, a minimum SGPA is required to maintain eligibility for various extracurricular activities, campus organizations, or even to continue receiving financial support from the institution.
  7. Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting: The SGPA provides students with a clear understanding of their academic performance and helps them identify areas for improvement. This facilitates goal setting and the development of strategies to enhance their academic achievements.

Overall, the SGPA is a crucial metric that holds significant importance in the academic journey of a student, as it not only reflects their academic standing but also shapes their future opportunities and achievements.

Importance of SGPA Academically

The SGPA holds great importance in the academic life of a student for several reasons:

  1. Academic Performance Evaluation: The SGPA is the primary measure used to assess a student’s academic performance in a particular semester. It provides a quantitative representation of the student’s academic achievements and helps track their progress.
  2. Eligibility for Promotion: Many educational institutions have specific SGPA requirements for students to be eligible for promotion to the next semester or academic year. A minimum SGPA is often required to maintain good academic standing.
  3. Scholarship and Funding Opportunities: A high SGPA can be a crucial factor in securing scholarships, grants, or other financial aid opportunities. Many scholarship providers use SGPA as a key criterion for selection.
  4. Admission to Higher Studies: For students seeking admission to higher education programs, such as master’s degrees or doctoral programs, a good SGPA is often a prerequisite. Institutions use the SGPA to evaluate the academic potential of applicants.
  5. Placement and Internships: Employers and internship providers often consider a student’s SGPA as an indicator of their academic abilities and potential. A higher SGPA can enhance a student’s chances of securing desirable placements or internships.
  6. Maintenance of Eligibility: In some cases, a minimum SGPA is required to maintain eligibility for various extracurricular activities, campus organizations, or even to continue receiving financial support from the institution.
  7. Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting: The SGPA provides students with a clear understanding of their academic performance and helps them identify areas for improvement. This facilitates goal setting and the development of strategies to enhance their academic achievements.

Overall, the SGPA is a crucial metric that holds significant importance in the academic journey of a student, as it not only reflects their academic standing but also shapes their future opportunities and achievements.

Difference Between SGPA and CGPA
Characteristic SGPA CGPA
Scope Reflects the academic performance in a specific semester Reflects the overall academic achievement across all semesters
Time Frame Calculated for a single semester Calculated based on the cumulative performance across all semesters
Calculation Total grade points earned in a semester / Total credits attempted in that semester Total grade points earned across all semesters / Total credits attempted across all semesters
Purpose Provides a snapshot of the student's academic performance in a specific semester Gives a comprehensive picture of the student's overall academic achievement throughout the academic program
Importance Important for monitoring semester-wise progress and meeting promotion requirements Holds greater significance for evaluating academic excellence and potential for further opportunities

Letter Grade Approved by UGC

The University Grants Commission (UGC) in India has approved a standard grading system for higher education institutions. The letter grades and their corresponding grade points are as follows:

Letter Grade Grade Point
O (Outstanding) 10
A+ (Excellent) 9
A (Very Good) 8
B+ (Good) 7
B (Above Average) 6
C (Average) 5
P (Pass) 4
F (Fail) 0
Ab (Absent) 0

This grading system is widely adopted by universities and colleges in India. The grade points assigned to each letter grade are used in the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.

For example, if a student secures the following grades in a semester:

  • Subject 1: A (8 grade points)
  • Subject 2: B+ (7 grade points)
  • Subject 3: C (5 grade points)
  • Subject 4: A+ (9 grade points)

Assuming the credits for each subject are 4, 3, 3, and 4, respectively, the SGPA can be calculated as follows:

SGPA = (8 × 4 + 7 × 3 + 5 × 3 + 9 × 4) / (4 + 3 + 3 + 4) = 32 + 21 + 15 + 36 / 14 = 104 / 14 = 7.43

This SGPA of 7.43 would be the student’s Semester Grade Point Average for that particular semester.

Key Takeaway

The SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) is a crucial metric that reflects a student’s academic performance in a specific semester, calculated by dividing the total grade points earned by the total credits attempted. 

To convert SGPA to CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average), one needs to calculate the total grade points and credits across all semesters. SGPA holds significant importance in a student’s academic life, as it is used for evaluating performance, determining promotion eligibility, securing scholarships, and admission to higher education programs. 

The key difference between SGPA and CGPA is that SGPA focuses on a specific semester, while CGPA represents the overall academic achievement throughout the program. Understanding these concepts and the UGC-approved letter grading system is essential for students to navigate their academic journey and maximize opportunities for growth and success.