Islamic Hijri Age Calculator

Please select a valid date of birth!

Your Age Results

Gregorian Age: 0 years
Hijri Age: 0 years
Today’s Date (Gregorian):
Today’s Date (Hijri Approx.):

Understanding your age in the context of the Islamic Hijri calendar can often feel challenging due to its differences from the Gregorian calendar. Many individuals face difficulties aligning their important milestones like birthdays, anniversaries, or religious observances with the Hijri dates. 

To address this need, our Islamic Hijri Age Calculator offers an easy, accurate, and user-friendly solution. 

Whether you’re curious about your Hijri age, planning for an Islamic event, or simply wanting to connect with your heritage, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to simplify the process, be it through our online tool or manual calculations.

How to Calculate Islamic Hijri Age Using Our Tool?

To calculate Islamic Hijri Age using our friendly tool just follow these steps:

  • Enter Your Birth Date:
  • Begin by entering your birth date in the provided format (e.g., 08/02/1994).
  • Click on “Calculate Hijri Age”:
  • Once you’ve entered your date of birth, simply press the calculate button.
  • View Your Results:
  • The tool will instantly display:
  • Your age in Hijri years.
  • Your birth date in the Hijri calendar.
  • Today’s date in the Hijri calendar.
  • Reset for New Calculations:
  • If you want to perform another calculation, click the “Reset Results” button to clear the fields.


If your birth date is 08/02/1994, the calculator will show:

  1. Your age in Hijri years: 31
  2. Your birth date in Hijri: Arbaa, 24 Rabi’ al-thani 1471
  3. Today’s date in Hijri: Ahad, 17 Safar 1503

It’s that simple and efficient!

How to Calculate Islamic Hijri Age Manually?

If you prefer to calculate your Hijri age manually, here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Understand the Difference Between the Calendars:
    • A Hijri year is approximately 354 days long, while a Gregorian year is about 365 days.
    • The difference is roughly 11 days per year.
  2. Convert Your Gregorian Age to Days:
    • Multiply your age in Gregorian years by 365.
    • Add the number of leap days (one extra day every four years).
  3. Divide by 354:
    • Take the total number of days and divide it by 354 to get your age in Hijri years.


If you are 30 years old:

  1. Gregorian days: 30 × 365 = 10,950 days.
  2. Add leap days: 10,950 + 7 (for seven leap years) = 10,957 days.
  3. Divide by 354: 10,957 ÷ 354 = 30.9 Hijri years (approximately 31 years).

While this method provides a rough estimate, using our online tool is faster and more accurate.

Understanding the Hijri Calendar

The Hijri calendar, also known as the Islamic or Lunar calendar, is deeply rooted in Islamic tradition. Here are some key points to help you understand it better:

  1. Lunar-Based System:
    • The Hijri calendar is based on the cycles of the moon. Each month begins with the sighting of the new crescent moon.
  2. Shorter Year:
    • A Hijri year has 12 months, but since each month is 29-30 days long, it totals approximately 354 days. This makes it 10-12 days shorter than the Gregorian year.
  3. Significant Months:
    • Certain months, like Ramadan and Dhul-Hijjah, hold special religious significance for Muslims worldwide.
  4. Starting Point:
    • The Hijri calendar started in the year 622 CE, marking the Prophet Muhammad’s migration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina.

Difference Between Islamic and Gregorian Calendars

To better understand how the Islamic Hijri Age Calculator works, it’s essential to grasp the differences between the Islamic (Hijri) and Gregorian calendars. Here’s a detailed comparison:

AspectIslamic (Hijri) CalendarGregorian Calendar
BasisLunar-based: Follows the moon’s phases.Solar-based: Follows the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
Year LengthApproximately 354 days.Approximately 365 days.
Months12 lunar months, each 29-30 days long.12 months, varying between 28-31 days each.
Start of YearBegins with the Hijra (migration of Prophet Muhammad, 622 CE).Begins with the assumed birth year of Jesus Christ.
Religious SignificanceIntegral to Islamic rituals and events (e.g., Ramadan, Hajj).Predominantly secular usage with Christian influences.
Leap YearOccurs approximately every 33 years.Occurs every four years (except for some century years).
Current Year (2024)1445-1446 Hijri (depending on moon sighting).2024 Gregorian.

Use Cases for the Islamic Age Calculator

The Islamic Hijri Age Calculator has several practical and religious applications. Here are some common use cases:

  1. Tracking Milestones in the Islamic Calendar:
    • Celebrate your birthday or anniversaries according to the Hijri calendar.
  2. Religious Observances:
    • Align your personal milestones with Islamic events, such as Ramadan, Eid, or the Day of Arafah.
  3. Educational Purposes:
    • Teach children and students about the Hijri calendar and its importance in Islamic culture.
  4. Planning for Islamic Events:
    • Determine your age during specific Islamic years or events, such as Hajj or Umrah.
  5. Personal Interest:
    • Simply learn more about yourself and your age in relation to the Islamic calendar.

Final Verdict

The Islamic Hijri Age Calculator is a valuable tool for anyone interested in understanding their age according to the Islamic calendar. It is particularly helpful for Muslims who wish to incorporate the Hijri calendar into their daily lives. 

Our tool makes it easy to calculate your Hijri age accurately and instantly, saving you the time and effort of manual calculations. Whether you’re celebrating a milestone, planning for an Islamic event, or just curious about the Hijri calendar, this tool is designed to provide clear and accurate results. 

Its user-friendly interface ensures that anyone can use it with ease. So why wait? Try our Age Calculator today and explore a new dimension of understanding your age!