JNTUH CGPA Calculator

Grade Points: O(10) | A+(9) | A(8) | B+(7) | B(6) | C(5) | D(4) | F(0)

Course Name Credits Grade Action
Total Credits
Total Courses
Highest Grade

Calculating your CGPA at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH), can be challenging for many students. 

From managing multiple courses and credits to understanding grade points, the process often feels overwhelming, especially when accuracy is critical for placements, higher studies, or personal assessment. 

Manual calculations consume time and increase the risk of errors that could impact your academic records. That’s where our JNTUH CGPA Calculator comes in—offering a quick, accurate, and hassle-free way to compute your CGPA. 

A user-friendly design eliminates confusion and saves you valuable time, ensuring you stay focused on what truly matters: your academic success.

How to Calculate JNTUH CGPA Using Our Tool?

Our JNTUH CGPA Calculator is designed with simplicity in mind. Here’s how to use it:

  • Enter Course Details:
  • Add the name of your course (optional).
  • Enter the credits for the course. For example, if “Mathematics” is a 4-credit subject, type “4.”
  • Select Your Grade:
  • Choose the grade you received.
  • For example:
  • If you scored an A (8 points) in Mathematics, select “A.”
  • For a subject like Physics with 3 credits where you scored O (10 points), choose “O.”
  • Add More Courses:
  • Click the “Add Course” button to input additional subjects.
  • Highest Grade (e.g., A+).
  • Calculate CGPA:
  • Press the “Calculate CGPA” button.
  • Example output:
  • Total Credits: 22
  • CGPA: 7.62 out of 10
  • Highest Grade: O (10 points)

This tool is user-friendly, accurate, and perfect for staying on top of your academic progress.

How to Calculate JNTUH CGPA Manually?

If you prefer to calculate your CGPA manually, follow these simple steps. It may take a little more time than using an automated tool, but it’s a great way to understand how CGPA is determined. Let’s break it down step-by-step:

Step 1: Understand the Formula

The basic formula to calculate CGPA is:

This means you’ll be multiplying the grade points for each course by the number of credits that course carries, then adding up the results. After that, you’ll divide the total by the sum of the credits of all the courses.

Step 2: Gather Information

Before you can calculate your CGPA, you’ll need the following information for each course:

  • Course Name (optional)
  • Credits assigned to each course
  • Grade received for each course (convert it into grade points based on the JNTUH grading system)

The JNTUH grading system assigns the following grade points:

GradeDescriptionGrade Points
AVery Good8
BAbove Average6

Step 3: Multiply Grade Points by Credits

Now, for each course, you need to multiply the grade points by the credits for that course. This will give you the weighted grade points for each course. Here’s how to do it:


Let’s say you have 4 courses with the following details:

  • Course 1: 7 credits, Grade A (8 points)
  • Course 2: 6 credits, Grade B (6 points)
  • Course 3: 9 credits, Grade O (10 points)
  • Course 4: 4 credits, Grade D (4 points)

Now, multiply the grade points by the credits for each course:

  • Course 1: 7 credits × 8 points = 56
  • Course 2: 6 credits × 6 points = 36
  • Course 3: 9 credits × 10 points = 90
  • Course 4: 4 credits × 4 points = 16

Step 4: Sum Up the Results

Next, you’ll sum up the results of each course’s grade points × credits. Here’s how to add them:

  • 56 (Course 1) + 36 (Course 2) + 90 (Course 3) + 16 (Course 4) = 198

This is the total grade points you earned from all your courses.

Step 5: Sum Up the Total Credits

Now, add up all the credits for the courses:

  • 7 credits (Course 1) + 6 credits (Course 2) + 9 credits (Course 3) + 4 credits (Course 4) = 26 credits

Step 6: Divide the Total Grade Points by Total Credits

Finally, to get your CGPA, divide the total grade points by the total credits.

Using our example:

So, in this case, your CGPA would be 7.62 (rounded off to two decimal places).

Summary of the Process:

  • Understand the Formula: CGPA = (Σ Grade Points × Credits) ÷ Σ Credits
  • Gather Information: List all your courses, their credits, and corresponding grade points.
  • Multiply Grade Points by Credits: For each course, multiply the grade points by the credits.
  • Sum Up: Add all the results from Step 3 to get the total grade points.
  • Sum Up the Credits: Add up the total credits for all your courses.
  • Divide: Divide the total grade points by the total credits to calculate your CGPA.

Final Verdict

Keeping track of your CGPA is crucial for understanding your academic performance, planning your goals, and staying motivated. 

While manual calculations work, our JNTUH CGPA Calculator saves time and ensures accuracy. It’s a hassle-free way to calculate your CGPA in just a few clicks.

Whether you’re preparing for placements, higher education, or self-assessment, this tool is a reliable companion for every JNTUH student. Try it today and see how effortless calculating CGPA can be!