Percentage to CGPA Calculator
Grade Scale Reference
Students and professionals alike often face challenges when trying to convert percentage marks into CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). From navigating different grading scales to ensuring accuracy, the process can feel overwhelming.
That’s where our Percentage to CGPA Calculator steps in to simplify the task. Offering precise and instant conversions across 4.0, 5.0, and 10.0 grading systems, our tool provides clarity, saves time, and eliminates confusion.
Whether you’re aiming to evaluate academic performance for applications or personal benchmarks, this guide will walk you through using the tool effectively and understanding the conversion process manually.
How to Calculate CGPA from Percentage Using Our Tool?
Our Percentage to CGPA Calculator is designed to provide you with precise conversions in just a few clicks. Here’s how it works:
Example Calculation:
How to Convert Percentage to CGPA Manually?
Understanding the manual process of converting percentage to CGPA can give you better insights into how the calculations work. Here’s a step-by-step explanation for the three common grading scales:
1. 10.0 Scale:
So, your CGPA on a 10.0 scale is 8.32.
2. 5.0 Scale:
3. 4.0 Scale:
Grade Scale Reference
Understanding the grade scale is essential when interpreting CGPA results. Here is a general reference table for multiple scales:
Percentage | CGPA (5.0 Scale) | Grade (5.0 Scale) | CGPA (4.0 Scale) | Grade (4.0 Scale) | CGPA (10.0 Scale) | Grade (10.0 Scale) |
90-100 | 4.5-5.0 | A | 3.7-4.0 | A | 9.5-10.0 | A |
80-89 | 4.0-4.4 | B | 3.2-3.6 | B | 8.4-9.4 | B |
70-79 | 3.0-3.9 | C | 2.5-3.1 | C | 7.4-8.3 | C |
60-69 | 2.0-2.9 | D | 1.8-2.4 | D | 6.3-7.3 | D |
50-59 | 1.0-1.9 | E | 1.0-1.7 | E | 5.3-6.2 | E |
<50 | <1.0 | F | <1.0 | F | <5.3 | F |
Final Verdict
The Percentage to CGPA Calculator is an indispensable tool for students, professionals, and educators. Whether you’re preparing for international studies, applying for scholarships, or just curious about your academic performance, this tool ensures accurate and quick conversions. It eliminates confusion and provides clarity across different grading systems.
For those who prefer a manual approach, the steps outlined above, coupled with the grade reference table, will help you confidently interpret scores. But for a faster and hassle-free solution, our calculator is your best choice.
So why wait? Enter your percentage now and discover your CGPA in seconds. With our tool, understanding your grades has never been easier!