Pinterest Character Counter

Pinterest Character Counter

Profile Section

Username: 0 / 30
Profile Name: 0 / 30
Bio: 0 / 160
Board Description: 0 / 500

Pin Section

Standard Pin Title: 0 / 100
Standard Pin Description: 0 / 500
Video Pin Title: 0 / 100
Video Pin Description: 0 / 500
Carousel Pin Title: 0 / 100
Carousel Pin Description: 0 / 500
App Pin Title: 0 / 100
App Pin Description: 0 / 500
Collection Pin Description: 0 / 500

Ads Section

Promoted Pin Title: 0 / 100
Promoted Pin Description: 0 / 500
Promoted Pin Textbox: 0 / 250
Standard Image Ad Title: 0 / 100
Standard Image Ad Description: 0 / 500
Standard Image Ad Textbox: 0 / 250
Standard Width Video Ad Title: 0 / 100
Standard Width Video Ad Description: 0 / 500
Standard Width Video Ad Textbox: 0 / 10 words
Premiere Spotlight Ad Title: 0 / 100
Premiere Spotlight Ad Description: 0 / 500
Collection Pin Textbox: 0 / 250 per textbox
Promoted App Pin Title: 0 / 100
Promoted App Pin Description: 0 / 500
Promoted Carousel Ad Title: 0 / 100
Promoted Carousel Ad Description: 0 / 500
Promoted Carousel Ad Textbox: 0 / 250 per image

Free Online Pinterest Character Counter

Free Online Pinterest Character Counter to count the length of your Pinterest captions, With just a few simple clicks, you can quickly and accurately determine how many characters your caption contains, ensuring that it fits perfectly within the platform’s requirements. 

Our user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to optimize your content for maximum engagement on Pinterest, whether you’re a seasoned social media manager, a small business owner looking to boost your online presence, or a casual Pinterest user hoping to connect with your followers in a more meaningful way. 

Say goodbye to the guesswork and hello to perfectly-sized captions that grab your audience’s attention and keep them engaged. Try our free character counter today and take the stress out of crafting captivating Pinterest posts that drive real results for your brand or personal account.

Pinterest Character Limit 2024

As Pinterest continues to grow in popularity, it’s essential to optimize your content for maximum visibility and engagement. By adhering to the platform’s character limits, you can ensure that your profile, pins, and advertisements are displayed effectively and attract your target audience.

To help you navigate the various character constraints, here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the limits for Pinterest profiles, pins, and ads:

Character Limits for Pinterest Profiles

Profile Element

Character Limit


30 characters

Profile Name

30 characters


160 characters

Board Description

500 characters

Character Limits for Pinterest Pins

Pin Type

Title Character Limit

Description Character Limit


Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters


Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters


Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters


Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters


Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters

Character Limits for Pinterest Ads

Ad Format

Title Character Count

Description Character Count

Textbox Character Count

Promoted Pin

Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters

Up to 250 characters

Standard Image Ads

Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters

Up to 250 characters

Standard Width Video Ads

Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters

Up to 10 words for text overlay

Premiere Spotlight Ads

Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters


Collection Pins



Up to 250 characters per textbox

Promoted App Pins

Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters


Promoted Carousel Ads

Up to 100 characters

Up to 500 characters

Up to 250 characters per image

Key Features of the Pinterest Character Counter Tool

Our Pinterest character counter offers a comprehensive suite of features to streamline your content creation process and ensure your pins are optimized for maximum impact:

  1. Real-Time Character Counting: As you type or paste your caption into the tool, the character count updates instantly, allowing you to monitor your progress and stay within the 2,500 character limit.
  2. Visual Cues for Character Limit: The tool provides clear visual indicators, such as a progress bar or color-coding, to help you easily identify when you’re approaching or exceeding the character limit.
  3. Suggested Edits and Optimization: If you find yourself exceeding the character limit, the tool will offer suggestions on how to shorten your caption, such as removing unnecessary words or abbreviating phrases, without compromising the overall message.
  4. Shareable Results: Once you’ve crafted the perfect caption, you can easily copy the text and share it directly to your Pinterest account, ensuring a seamless workflow.

Benefits of Using the Pinterest Character Counter

Leveraging our free online Pinterest character counter tool can provide numerous advantages for your social media strategy:

  1. Improved Post Engagement: By keeping your captions concise and within the character limit, you’ll create more visually appealing and impactful pins that are more likely to capture your audience’s attention and drive engagement.
  2. Consistent Branding: Maintaining a consistent character count across your pins will help strengthen your brand’s identity and create a cohesive look and feel, which can enhance your overall visual presence on the platform.
  3. Streamlined Workflow: Automating the character counting process and eliminating the need for manual monitoring can save you valuable time and allow you to focus on creating high-quality content.
  4. Increased Visibility and Reach: Optimizing your pin captions for the character limit can improve your content’s discoverability, as Pinterest’s algorithm may prioritize posts that adhere to the platform’s guidelines.

How to Use the Pinterest Character Counter

Using our free online Pinterest character counter is a straightforward and user-friendly process:

  1. Visit the Tool: Simply head to our website and access the Pinterest character counter.
  2. Enter Your Caption: Type or paste your pin caption into the designated text area.
  3. Monitor the Character Count: The tool will instantly display the number of characters used and provide clear visual cues as you approach the 2,500 character limit.
  4. Edit and Optimize: If necessary, make adjustments to your caption to ensure it falls within the character limit, utilizing the tool’s suggested edits and optimization features.
  5. Copy and Share: Once you’re satisfied with your caption, you can easily copy the text and share it directly to your Pinterest account.

Bonus Tips for Maximizing the Pinterest Character Counter

To get the most out of our Pinterest character counter tool, consider the following tips:

  1. Plan Your Content: Before drafting your caption, take time to consider the overall message and key points you want to convey. This will help you stay focused and concise.
  2. Utilize Formatting: Incorporate bullet points, numbered lists, or line breaks to make your caption more visually appealing and easier to read.
  3. Experiment with Abbreviations: Look for opportunities to shorten words or phrases without compromising the meaning or impact of your message.
  4. Review and Refine: Don’t be afraid to go back and make adjustments to your caption even after you’ve reached the character limit. Iterating on your content can help you achieve the perfect balance.
  5. Leverage Hashtags Strategically: While hashtags count towards your character limit, using them effectively can improve the discoverability of your pins. Research and select relevant hashtags that align with your brand and target audience.

Get Started with the Online Pinterest Character Counter

Ready to take your Pinterest game to the next level? Try our free online character counter tool today and start creating pins that captivate your audience and drive engagement. Visit our website to get started and unlock the full potential of your Pinterest presence.

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