Keyboard Counter

Keyboard Counter

Keyboard Clicks


Last Key Pressed


Keys Per Minute


Most Frequent Key


Total Keys Pressed


In today’s digital era, the keyboard is an essential component of our daily computing experience. As one of the primary input devices, it enables us to navigate, execute commands, and work efficiently, often without the need for a mouse. 

Whether you’re a gamer, programmer, or typist, ensuring that your keyboard is functioning optimally is crucial.

This is where the Keyboard Counter comes in. Whether you’re checking for defective keys, assessing your typing speed, or honing your skills, this tool helps you evaluate the quality, functionality, and efficiency of your keyboard, so you can type with confidence.

How To Use This Tool?

Using our tool is very simple follow these simple steps

  1. Search Counting Tools. com on your preferred browser
  2. Navigate to the keyboard counter page 
  3. Start typing on the keyboard
  4. The tool shows the total number of keyboard clicks, the last key pressed, and keys per minute and most frequently pressed key

Why Use The Keyboard Counter

The Keyboard Counter is a versatile tool with several important use cases, beneficial for anyone who relies on a keyboard:

  • To Check the Efficiency of Your Keyboard: 

This tool allows you to assess whether your keyboard is functioning properly. It’s particularly useful for identifying defective keys, especially for gamers who rely on specific keys during gameplay. Additionally, it can help you make informed decisions when purchasing a new keyboard by ensuring you’re getting the best quality.

  • To Measure Typing Speed: 

Track your typing speed with precision by counting each keystroke, noting the last key pressed, and calculating the number of keys typed per minute. The tool also identifies the most frequently pressed keys, helping you pinpoint areas for improvement so you can enhance your typing skills.

Who can Use the Clicker Counter?

The clicker Counter can be used by a wide range of individuals, including:

  1. Typists and Writers: To track typing speed and accuracy.
  2. Gamers: To monitor keypresses during gameplay and optimize performance.
  3. Data Entry Professionals: To measure productivity and efficiency.
  4. Programmers: To analyze their coding speed and keystroke patterns.
  5. Educators and Students: For typing practice and skill assessment.
  6. Researchers: To collect data on keyboard usage and ergonomics.
  7. Casual Users: Anyone curious about their typing habits or wanting to improve their typing speed.

Who can Use the keyboard Counter?

The clicker Counter can be used by a wide range of individuals, including:

  1. Typists and Writers: To track typing speed and accuracy.
  2. Gamers: To monitor keypresses during gameplay and optimize performance.
  3. Data Entry Professionals: To measure productivity and efficiency.
  4. Programmers: To analyze their coding speed and keystroke patterns.
  5. Educators and Students: For typing practice and skill assessment.
  6. Researchers: To collect data on keyboard usage and ergonomics.
  7. Casual Users: Anyone curious about their typing habits or wanting to improve their typing speed.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Improve Typing Skills

Top 100 Window Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + H Replace
Alt + Tab Switch Between Apps
Alt + F4 Close Window
Windows Key + D Show Desktop
Windows Key + E Open File Explorer
Windows Key + L Lock Computer
Windows Key + R Open Run Dialog
Windows Key + S Open Search
Ctrl + Shift + N New Folder
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen Closed Tab
Ctrl + Tab Switch Tabs
F2 Rename File
F5 Refresh Page
Ctrl + N New Window
Ctrl + W Close Tab/Window
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager
Ctrl + Shift + P Print Preview
Ctrl + 0 Reset Zoom
Ctrl + + Zoom In
Ctrl + - Zoom Out
Ctrl + B Bold Text
Ctrl + I Italicize Text
Ctrl + U Underline Text
Ctrl + K Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl + E Center Align Text
Ctrl + L Left Align Text
Ctrl + R Right Align Text
Ctrl + J Justify Text
Ctrl + D Open Font Dialog
Ctrl + M Indent Text
Ctrl + Shift + M Unindent Text
Alt + F Open File Menu
Alt + E Open Edit Menu
Alt + V Open View Menu
Alt + H Open Help Menu
F12 Open Save As Dialog
Ctrl + F1 Open Help
Ctrl + Shift + L Bullet List
Ctrl + Shift + N New Folder
Alt + Shift + D Insert Date
Alt + Shift + T Insert Time
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As
Ctrl + Shift + E Send Email
Ctrl + Alt + Del Open Security Options
Ctrl + Shift + U Underline Text
Ctrl + Shift + O Open Outline View
Ctrl + Shift + F Open Find Dialog
Ctrl + Alt + T Open Terminal
Ctrl + Alt + S Open Settings
Ctrl + Alt + R Open Recent Files
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Ctrl + Shift + K Insert Bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + X Cut Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + B Show/Hide Bookmark Bar
Ctrl + Shift + A Select All Text
Ctrl + Shift + F5 Refresh All
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Open Print Dialog
Ctrl + F10 Maximize Window
Ctrl + F11 Minimize Window
Ctrl + Shift + F1 Show Help
Ctrl + F8 Move Window
Ctrl + F7 Resize Window
Ctrl + F6 Switch Between Open Documents
Ctrl + Shift + F6 Switch Between Documents
Alt + F8 Macro Dialog
Ctrl + Shift + A Select All
Ctrl + Shift + M Unindent Text
Ctrl + Shift + G Group Objects
Ctrl + G Go To Dialog
Alt + F9 Show/Hide Fields
Ctrl + Alt + F Insert Footnote
Ctrl + Alt + I Open Print Preview
Ctrl + Shift + 8 Show/Hide Formatting Marks
Ctrl + Alt + H Hide All Ribbon Tabs
Ctrl + Alt + P Open Print Dialog
Ctrl + Alt + C Insert Citation
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy Formatting
Ctrl + Alt + F Insert Footnote
Ctrl + Alt + D Insert Date
Ctrl + Alt + T Insert Time
Ctrl + Alt + S Save As
Ctrl + Alt + R Refresh
Ctrl + Shift + E End of Line
Ctrl + Shift + B Toggle Bookmark Bar
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen Closed Tab
Ctrl + Shift + N New Window
Ctrl + Shift + H History
Ctrl + Shift + L Bullet List
Ctrl + Shift + P Print Preview
Ctrl + Shift + W Close All Windows
Ctrl + Shift + G Group Objects
Ctrl + Shift + F Find and Replace
Ctrl + Alt + M Minimize Window
Ctrl + Alt + M Maximize Window
Ctrl + Alt + M Minimize Window
Ctrl + Alt + M Maximize Window
Ctrl + Shift + X Cut Formatting
Ctrl + Alt + F Insert Footnote
Ctrl + Alt + C Insert Citation
Ctrl + Alt + T Insert Time
Ctrl + Alt + D Insert Date
Ctrl + Shift + K Insert Bookmark
Ctrl + Shift + N New Folder
Ctrl + Shift + L Bullet List
Ctrl + Shift + P Print Preview
Ctrl + Shift + E End of Line
Ctrl + Shift + B Toggle Bookmark Bar
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen Closed Tab
Ctrl + Shift + H History
Ctrl + Shift + W Close All Windows
Ctrl + Alt + R Refresh
Ctrl + Alt + S Save As
Ctrl + Alt + M Minimize Window
Ctrl + Alt + P Open Print Dialog

Top 100 Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Description
Command + C Copy
Command + V Paste
Command + X Cut
Command + Z Undo
Command + Shift + Z Redo
Command + A Select All
Command + S Save
Command + P Print
Command + F Find
Command + H Hide Window
Command + M Minimize Window
Command + N New Window
Command + O Open File
Command + Q Quit Application
Command + W Close Window/Tab
Command + T New Tab
Command + Shift + N New Folder
Command + Shift + 3 Screenshot Entire Screen
Command + Shift + 4 Screenshot Selected Area
Command + Shift + 5 Screenshot Options
Command + Space Spotlight Search
Command + Option + Esc Force Quit
Command + Tab Switch Applications
Command + Option + M Minimize All Windows
Command + Option + H Hide Other Applications
Control + Command + Q Lock Screen
Command + R Refresh Page
Command + D Duplicate
Command + E Eject Disk
Command + K Connect to Server
Command + L Go to URL
Command + J Show Downloads
Command + Shift + A Open Applications Folder
Command + Shift + U Open Utilities Folder
Command + Option + T Show/Hide Toolbar
Command + Option + V Paste and Match Style
Command + Shift + G Go to Folder
Command + Shift + C Open Computer
Command + Shift + F Open Finder Search
Command + Option + P Show/Hide Path Bar
Command + Option + S Show/Hide Sidebar
Command + Option + I Show/Hide Inspector
Command + Shift + M Minimize All Windows
Command + Shift + Q Log Out
Command + Option + Eject Sleep
Command + Option + Control + Eject Restart
Command + Option + Shift + Eject Shut Down
Command + Shift + F3 Show Desktop
Command + Control + D Show Definition
Command + Option + L Open Downloads Folder
Command + Option + C Open Clipboard
Command + Option + F Open Search Field
Command + Option + Shift + K Open Network
Command + Shift + C Open Finder Preferences
Command + Option + Shift + I Open File Info
Command + Option + Shift + E Open Application Switcher
Command + Option + Control + D Open Dictionary
Command + Option + Shift + M Open Menu
Command + Shift + Eject Sleep Display
Command + Shift + Option + Q Log Out Immediately
Command + Shift + Option + H Hide All Windows
Command + Option + Shift + V Paste and Match Formatting
Command + Shift + D Open Desktop Folder
Command + Option + Shift + D Open Desktop Preferences
Command + Shift + Option + N New Folder in Finder
Command + Option + Shift + P Open Printer
Command + Option + Control + K Open Keychain Access
Command + Shift + Control + N New Folder in Finder
Command + Option + Shift + T Open Tabs
Command + Shift + Control + Q Lock Screen Immediately
Command + Shift + Control + Eject Sleep Immediately
Command + Shift + Option + W Close All Windows
Command + Option + Shift + Eject Sleep Display
Command + Option + Shift + R Open Recent Files
Command + Shift + Option + L Open Recent Downloads
Command + Option + Shift + G Open Recent Documents
Command + Shift + Option + F Open Recent Folders
Command + Shift + Option + I Open Recent Items
Command + Option + Shift + S Save All Documents
Command + Shift + Option + C Copy Path
Command + Shift + Option + M Minimize All Windows
Command + Shift + Option + X Cut All Formatting
Command + Shift + Option + V Paste Without Formatting
Command + Option + Shift + F Find and Replace
Command + Option + Shift + H Hide All Applications
Command + Shift + Option + E Open Empty Folder
Command + Option + Shift + R Open Recent Files
Command + Shift + Option + P Print Preview
Command + Shift + Option + A Open All Applications
Command + Shift + Option + W Close All Tabs
Command + Option + Shift + N Create New Folder
Command + Shift + Option + J Open Documents Folder
Command + Shift + Option + L Open Recent Downloads
Command + Shift + Option + G Open Recent Documents
Command + Shift + Option + F Find and Replace
Command + Shift + Option + E Empty Trash
Command + Shift + Option + K Open Keyboard Preferences
Command + Shift + Option + T Open Tabs
Command + Shift + Option + M Minimize All Windows
Command + Shift + Option + X Cut All Formatting
Command + Shift + Option + D Open Desktop
Command + Shift + Option + F Open Recent Files
Command + Shift + Option + H Hide All Windows
Command + Shift + Option + R Refresh All Windows


The Keyboard Counter is an invaluable tool for assessing both the efficiency and functionality of your keyboard. It helps you make informed decisions when purchasing a new keyboard and tracks your typing speed to identify areas for improvement. 

Whether you are a writer, coder, or gamer, this tool allows you to evaluate and enhance your typing skills effectively. Bookmark it today for easy access, so you can quickly and conveniently check your keyboard’s performance whenever you need to.